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High Quality Screw Press Sewage Treatment for Chemical

  • HG-SW

  • HG

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Advanced treatment of chemical wastewater1Advanced treatment of chemical wastewater3

 Chemical wastewater occupies a large proportion in the total discharge of industrial wastewater, and has the   characteristics of large discharge, complex water quality, and many toxic and harmful substances. As the effluent indicators become more and more stringent, chemical wastewater, due to its characteristics and composition, requires advanced treatment of refractory organic matter, dissolved inorganic matter, nutrients containing nitrogen and phosphorus, and toxic and harmful substances remaining in the wastewater.

Wastewater treatment technology is divided into mineralization (biodegradation, redox) and separation (evaporation, adsorption, membrane, resin) according to the mechanism of action of the object. Taking into account the remaining substances in the biochemical effluent, Under the premise that the front-end process is more reasonable, the advanced treatment technology is generally no longer recommended to use biological treatment technology, and separation technology often requires the use of subsequent technologies. At the same time, the operation steps are cumbersome and the cost is high. Relatively speaking, it is more appropriate to use chemical mineralization technology at the end.

Process flow:

Some sewage treatment plants in the park will require the salt content of the enterprise's drainage, and the enterprise needs to separate the salt in the water. High-concentration and high-miscellaneous salt wastewater is usually pretreated by evaporation. The pre-evaporated miscellaneous salts are hazardous waste miscellaneous salts, and in the presence of high-concentration organic matter, the evaporation system is also difficult to achieve stable operation. After biochemical and advanced treatment, the organic matter of high-concentration and high-miscellaneous-salt wastewater is first degraded, and then evaporated to remove salt to obtain miscellaneous salts that contain almost no organic matter, which can be identified as general solid waste disposal.

